Steve Wozniak at the Turing festival Edinburgh

Aug 24, 2012

Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, Inc.



In what seemed a fleeting interview at the Edinburgh Playhouse, during the Turing festival, Steve Wozniak discussed life at Apple, entrepreneurship, his autobiography iWoz and the future of computing and the web. Although hampered by what I though was some poor interviewing by Helen Arney Steve did shine through. I was hoping to hear more about the future of computing and will we be driving around in hover cars anytime soon but sadly the hover car topic did not crop up. However we did get a glimpse of Steve Wozniak the joker and prankster with a whip smart brain. It was also great to see his still undiminished passion for making technology work for us and inspiring others to innovate and come up with the next Apple Inc. It was always going to be a tricky mission trying to touch all the relevant bases in 45 mins and I came away feeling an opportunity had been missed. I guess I will just have to buy the book

I will give it 4 out of 5 apples


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